John MacNeil Elementary


The Halifax Regional School Board is committed to supporting the learning needs of all students, their ongoing achievement and their success.

We want to ensure that as a school system and as individual schools, we continuously work towards developing new and improved ways to meet the student needs. Out of the Effective Schools research come two principles which guide our efforts – all students can learn and all schools can improve.

Based on these guiding principles, all schools are part of a Continuous School Improvement initiative. Schools are working to answer three key questions:

  1. How are our students doing?
  2. How do we know?
  3. What do we need to do now?

With system support, our schools are seeking out data relevant to student achievement, student success, school strengths and needs. Analysis of the data will engage school leaders, school staff, parents and students in conversations around the three questions.

Out of these conversations, school communities can identify strengths and celebrate successes, identify needs and establish priorities and goals for the future.

Schools will implement plans, monitor their progress and review and revise as necessary. Each school's plan for improvement and progress reports on those plans can be found by visiting individual school websites. Learn more about data collection and analysis.